Brutal Honesty in Real Estate (accompanied by a hilarious commercial)

Brutal Honesty in Real Estate (accompanied by a hilarious commercial)

Do you know this guy?
Integrity and honesty are two qualities that you must require your real estate agent to possess, with no room for compromise. More than ever, these qualities are worth their weight in gold after so many people got burned in the market over the last five years.
Real estate should not be viewed as a "Get Rich Quick Scheme." That being said, this is the best time in 35 years to purchase a home for a variety of reasons. Whether for your main residence or for investing, 2010-2011 is a great time to be making the move. Home prices have dropped, and are beginning to stabilize; mortgage rates are at all-time lows which equates to countless thousands in savings over the life of your loan, but for those of us concerned with the 'here and now' it can mean several hundred dollars a month in savings. Now, when investing in real estate at this time, you need not have the desire to 'flip' the home for some time. If you want a good home, for the money, to rent and wait for the market corrections, you will see some major growth in the next few years. But gone are the days of quick renovations and tens of thousands of dollars in increased 'perceived' value a couple months later.
The fact is that you need an agent that can provide sound counsel and advice, provide you with all the right information to make the process as stress-free as possible and not someone who is only focused on the sale. No agent worth their salt would lead an investor to believe that there is any value in flipping homes in this market, unless you come across the perfect scenario. But there are those that will, just to make the commission.
Advertising by agents and brokerages are often 'fluff' with no real verifiable advantage presented. And that is fine, branding is important, but we intend to give you a reason to use Level 10 Realty in all our communications. For the purpose of this post, the first reason is our people. Did you know there are nearly 2,500 real estate agents in the city of Huntsville? What that means, is that there are a lot of people that are doing this simply to supplement their income. We are full-time agents at Level 10 Realty. This is the career that we have chosen, not a job to make a quick buck. We place a high importance on continuing education and providing sound advice. The decision to work with us is your decision to make, and we encourage you to interview us and any agent that you consider letting represent you, in what is probably the largest and most important purchase you will ever make. And wouldn't you feel more comfortable with someone that works full-time in the industry?
Ask the tough questions, probe and make sure your potential agent can answer the questions that you have and understands your unique situation. Call us, email us, set-up an appointment and ask us anything you like. We would love to show you what sets us apart from the part-timers.
Now, as promised, here is a Mobile Home Ad that takes honesty to a new level. Tell me what you think:

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